Selected playwrights submit 10-12 pages of a new work in the early stages of development. Actors are cast on the spot and perform a cold reading, followed by a moderated audience feedback session. In addition to serving the development of new work, these readings give audiences a sneak peek into how new plays are created.
Submit your work to Ms. Shawn René Graham, Literary Director at No phone calls please.
Plays/Excerpts may not have been previously produced.
Playwrights may submit up to fifteen (15) pages only.
Plays must be submitted as a PDF or as a Word document.
Playwrights will not receive comments on plays once submitted.
CTH asserts that a “Future Classic” is a play of social significance that has the potential to stand the test of time. It tackles large-scale economic, political, or cultural issues. A Future Classic promotes courageous and open-minded examination of controversial and critical topics that are at the heart of society.
Submit your work to Ms. Shawn René Graham, Literary Director at No phone calls please.
Plays may not have been previously produced.
Playwrights may submit only one full-length play.
Plays must be submitted as a PDF or as a Word document.
Playwrights will not receive comments on plays once submitted.
Playwrights should also include a brief author’s bio and/or resume.
Playwrights may also submit a play synopsis (250 words).