Plays can be ANY length and you can have ANY number of characters.
PLAYS DUE DECEMBER 31, 2016 (There are no extensions.)
FIRST STEP: Choose a woman or women to write about. We are looking for 365 NEW women that our project has not yet covered. We do not accept repeats from previous years yet. You can make sure you don’t claim a repeat by searching through our historical women alphabetically. If you are not sure who to write about, scroll down for a list of available women.
Once you have chosen some options, you will fill out the CLAIM FORM. You will be asked to choose at least 3 options, in case your lady has already been claimed.
SECOND STEP: You will receive a confirmation email. You are not officially writing about anyone until you have received this confirmation email from It can take up to two weeks to get a confirmation email depending on the volume of claims we receive.
THIRD STEP: Happy writing. If at any point throughout the year, you get a hankering to write about someone else, simply fill out a new claim form.
Plays can be any length, any number of characters, and the playwriting format you are most comfortable with. PLEASE INCLUDE A LIST OF CHARACTERS at the beginning of the play.
FOURTH STEP: Submitting your piece. Please follow the directions, as your piece will not be officially submitted otherwise.
You will email your piece to Follow the directions below:
(1) In the subject line you will put: 2016/Name of historical woman/Play Title/Page Number/Your Name. (If you have many historical women in your piece, simply write MANY WOMEN, in place of the name of the historical women in the subject line.)
(2) Include your 100 word bio in the BODY of the email
(3) Getting the information from your piece onto the web site is important. We need you to write it out in a specific format. Here’s an example of what we need from you about your piece and the historical women in it to properly database it.
Historical Women: ***Each historical woman needs to be listed separately, include ANY existing woman who appears in your piece, even if you didn’t specifically claim them.****