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Monday, August 29, 2016

Naughties 2016

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Image Theater of Lowell, MA (www.imagetheater.com) is seeking submissions of short plays, sketches, songs, or monologues for our “adult only” evening of original works to be performed on Saturday, November 12, 2016.

We are looking for sexy, silly, scandalous pieces, limit four characters or less, single set… have fun, because that’s what this evening of theater is all about!

To submit your play, monologue, or song, please send your work in a WORD format, along with full contact information on the cover page. Songs may be sent in Mp3 format, but lyrics should be included separately, along with sheet music.

Heading of submission: “ Naughties 2016”

Submission deadline: August 31st, 2016 no exceptions

E mail your submission(s) to: imagetheater@comcast.net,
attention Jerry or Ann.

Image Theater is a not for profit theater company that has produced the original works of playwrights since 2005

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