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The 2016 World Sinophone Drama Competition for Young Playwrights is now accepting submissions!
Deadline: February 18, 2016
More info: http://2016wsdc.com/competition/index/submission
*English-language OR Chinese-language scripts accepted!
The World Sinophone Drama Competition for Young Playwrights project seeks to encourage production of new dramatic works that reflect upon global Chinese culture from a variety of perspectives and enrich our understanding of Sinophone cultures, circulations, histories, and communities. To this end, we invite young playwrights (aged 18-35) to submit new scripts composed in either English or Chinese for the inaugural round of this international drama competition. For English-language submissions, we welcome works of self-reflection from members of Sinophone communities, as well as those that explore encounters among the Sinophone and other cultural contexts; for Chinese-language submissions, there are no specific requirements for content.
The winners each will receive a monetary prize, translation of their winning work (either from English to Chinese, or vice versa), and bi-lingual e-publication by the Performance Center of National Central University in Taiwan. The premiere staged reading and workshop will take place in Taiwan shortly after winners are announced, and a series of readings by our partners around the world over the following two (2) years will offer winning playwrights an unprecedented opportunity for international circulation of their work. (Possible reading locations include: United States, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, mainland China, and Macao, among others.) For further details, please see the official Terms and Conditions online at http://2016wsdc.com/assets/file/download/Terms_and_Conditions_ENG.pdf.
To enter:
1. Register online at http://2016wsdc.com/competition/register.
Participants must be between 18 and 35 years of age at the time of submission. There are no limitations on the citizenship or educational level.
2. Upload your manuscript at http://2016wsdc.com/index.php/competition/login.
Chinese-language submissions: the competition welcomes dramatic texts of all forms and genres (such as play, traditional opera, musical, etc.) with a minimum performance time of 60 minutes. There are no specific requirements for content.
English-language submissions: the competition welcomes dramatic texts of all forms and genres (such as play, traditional opera, musical, etc.) with a minimum performance time of 60 minutes. The content of the text must be new works of self-reflection from members of Sinophone communities, and/or those that explore encounters among the Sinophone and other cultural contexts.
Questions? Email: ncublackbox@gmail.com
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
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