With its roots in the McCarthy Era Blacklisiting, Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum has provided a home in Southern California for professional Shakespeare and the classics in its scenic, outdoor amphitheatre in rustic Topanga Canyon for over 40 years.
Theatricum is also committed to furthering new works and new voices in theatre through Botanicum Seedlings. Playwrights are invited to submit samples of full length works of any genre for this development series, which acts as an adjunct to Theatricum’s Summer Repertory Season.
The submission window is September 1 - December 1 annually. Works received during this period will be considered for development and production during the following year.
Opportunities through Botanicum Seedlings include Playreadings, Play Festivals, private GreenReads (for a fresh look at early drafts) and Playwrights Workshops culminating in developmental GreenReads. Since its creation in 2002, the
program has supported well over 100 new plays.
The goals of Botanicum Seedlings are:
to maintain focus on the needs of the playwright in regard to a play’s growth;
to foster relationships with emerging playwrights around the globe;
to act as an advocate whenever appropriate in recommending plays to other companies;
to establish Theatricum Botanicum as a guiding force in the development of original material; and
to provide a nurturing environment in which Theatricum company members can expand and stretch in new directions as actors as well as directors, writers and dramaturgs.
For consideration, please keep in mind that Theatricum encourages provocative, political and socially relevant material, and prefers works that are uniquely theatrical and character-driven. Although the company is classically based, Seedlings
is by no means traditional in its sensibilities and is not looking for classical translations or adaptations unless they are highly original. Nor are we interested in scripts which might be better suited to film or television.
In addition, Botanicum Seedlings is committed to gender parity, with a goal of 50% or more women playwrights and directors involved in its public readings.
Submissions may also be considered for production as part of Theatricum Botanicum’s Summer Repertory Season.
Please note that the theatre very rarely includes new works in its season; both of our performance spaces are outdoor amphitheatres in a natural setting.
From September 1 - December 1, we accept electronic submissions of 10-15 page dialogue samples from full length plays (sorry, no queries for one-acts or short plays) accompanied by playwright’s bio and play history as MS Doc
or PDF attachments sent to seedlings@theatricum.com. (Only one play per year, please!)
If electronic submission is not possible, send complete plays, musicals and accompanying materials to
Botanicum SeedlingsAll materials will be recycled unless special arrangements are made beyond including an SASE.
c/o Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum,
P.O. Box 1222
Topanga, CA 90290.
Our goal is to acknowledge receipt of all submissions and queries. Please know that while we read and review all materials we receive, we are not able to personally follow up with every submission.
For more information on Seedlings writing workshops, private dramaturgy and other Theatricum events and programs,
visit www.theatricum.com or contact seedlings@theatricum.com. The business office can be reached at (310) 455-2322.
Thank you in advance for your submission, and for your patience if our response is delayed.
Jennie Webb Kimberly Shelby-Syszko
Seedlings Program Director Seedlings Literary Manager