NYC/Metropolitan Area Playwrights Only
Abingdon Theatre Company will commission three playwrights to write an original one-act play. Each playwright will receive a $250 commission and a staged reading of their script on Saturday, August 17, 2013. This is the second consecutive year Abingdon has been able to offer these commissions.
Playwrights from the New York City metropolitan area are asked to first submit a synopsis to Abingdon’s creative staff. Three synopses will be selected for development.
Abingdon will select directors and actors to present the scripts as staged readings.
A professional theatre artist will attend the festival to choose one script as most outstanding. The playwright of the outstanding script will receive an additional $250 prize.
Submission guidelines:
- Synopses and subsequent scripts must be original and not previously presented to the public in any fashion.
- Plays must address the theme of faith, hope or charity. The action should show a character in conflict with at least ONE of these three values.
- Cast must call for two to four actors.
- The final script will have a running time of 25 to 30 minutes in length.
- Send us your story. The only restriction for any synopsis selected for development is that the dialogue should not include profanity.
- Submission includes a synopsis of no more than 200 words, working title of script and full contact information (name, mailing and email addresses along with phone number) and a professional bio.
- Submissions are due before midnight on Friday, June 14, and should be emailed to All materials should be in the body of the email – NO attachments please.
The commissioned playwrights will be announced Friday, June 28.
Initial drafts are due Friday, July 19.
Suggested revisions from festival staff will be given by Tuesday, July 23.
Final drafts are due Friday, August 2.
Commissioned playwrights will communicate with directors prior to rehearsals and participate in at least one rehearsal. Rehearsals begin August 5.
Commissioned playwrights must attend the Festival itself on Saturday, August 17, presented at Christ Church Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York.
Email any questions concerning the festival to