The Thistle Dew Theatre is putting together a team of writers for a new political comedy theatre. You are invited to submit an original 10-20 minute play, with three to five characters.
Writers must have a keen interest in and knowledge of the national political scene. Experience writing a "biting" comedic teleplay series or comedic web-series is a plus. Comedic conservative political writing
style (whether believed or not) an extra plus.
Writers must submit a cover letter, resume, and script(s). You may submit one - three scripts for consideration. Take a story off the front page and make it funny.
- Resumes are requested so that we know a little more about the writers with whom we are working.
- Photographs are not requested or required. Once a writing and production relationship is established, photographs will be requested for insertion in our programs for credits and biographical purposes.
- Selected writer(s) will be asked to carry on an internet email relationship.
- Selected writers will not be expected to attend performances in Sacramento.
Please send scripts submissions in play format and resumes as "pdf" attachments, to the attention of Tom at: with "Comedy Writer" in the subject line.
There is no submission fee.
DEADLINE: Tuesday, October 30, 2012.