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Sunday, March 13, 2011

NativeAliens Theatre Collective’s 12th Annual Short Stories Short Play Festival

http://www.nativealiens.org/id67.htmlweb site

Deadline April 1, 2011

Thank you for your interest in submitting for NativeAliens Theatre Collective’s 12th Annual Short Stories Short Play Festival, Our committee is accepting submission of short Ten Minute plays that depict life from a Gay and Lesbian perspective. After plays are selected they will be produced as part of the Short Play festival in New York City in June, 2011.

Submissions should:

•Have a maximum performance time of ten minutes

•Be typed double-spaced in 10 pt. or larger font

•Be original works for which the applicant holds all rights

•Be written with from the perspective of the Gay and Lesbian life experience.

•Due to the anonymous nature of play selection, contain playwright’s name on title page ONLY

•Be emailed as either Word or PDF files to natc.shortstories@gmail.com

•Include your contact information as a separate attachement.

•Be postmarked or received via email by April 1st, 2011

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