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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati submission guidelines

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We accept script submissions from June to October only. 

You may submit a complete script or 10 sample pages. Please include a cover letter, complete character list and synopsis with your submission.

We look for: full-length plays only (no one-acts), adaptations and musicals; world and regional premieres; ensemble works; plays with music; multi-media works; and plays that address current social issues.

Please be aware that Ensemble Theatre’s stage is a full thrust with relatively no wing or fly space and limited backstage area; therefore, our space is not very conducive to plays that require significant scene changes or numerous settings and places that are not easily adaptable or implied.

Before submitting any material to Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati, please read our mission statement and research our production history, which are located on our website. Considering the types of plays we have produced in the past, honestly assess whether or not your play would fit us.

Preferred maximum cast size: 8.
Response Time: 6-9 months.
Stage dimensions: 44’ x 46’.

Please email (preferred) script submissions to scripts@ensemblecincinnati.org.

If you do send a hard copy, you must include a SASE for our response and/or return of the material.

Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati
Attn: Script Submissions
1127 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati is a professional theatre dedicated to producing world and regional premieres of works that often explore compelling social issues. We fulfill our mission through our stage productions and educational outreach programs that enlighten, enliven, enrich and inspire our audiences.

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