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Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Inkwell Theater Development LAB fellowship


Deadline: April 30, 2025


A unique program in Los Angeles, the LAB aims to bring the writer out of their office, or coffee shop, and into the rehearsal room. While we recognize the necessity for writers to work on their own, we believe that nothing benefits works-in-progress more than artistic collaboration.

The LAB is focused on developing new plays through a collaborative workshop process. We believe that by working in a rehearsal setting with a director and actors, a playwright can best further their plays. Playwrights tell us often how they gained new insights from simply seeing their work with a cast, not to mention the constructive input from directors and other artists.

We begin with a writer and their first draft. During a 3-week intensive process, writers will not only see and hear that draft as written but will also see their rewrites, changes, and inspired ideas come to life. This is aided by introducing an experienced and versatile director, bringing their own unique insights to the play. Mixing in a cast of talented performers only adds to the volume of artistic brainpower being brought to bear upon the play. And pulling the playwright into the rehearsal room brings the whole thing together.

The playwrights selected for each LAB season are the recipients of The Lerner Fellowship, which provides financial, logistical, and artistic support. 

  • Anyone is eligible to submit. There are no restrictions based on age, experience, representation, formal training or union-affiliation.
  • Please submit only full, completed scripts. It can be an early draft, but we do require a compete script in order to evaluate the submission.
  • Submitted work cannot have been previously produced. (Private workshops and readings are not considered productions).
  • Commissioned work is not eligible for submission.
  • Previous applicants may re-apply, but only with new material. We do not accept plays that have been previously submitted.
  • Submissions from writers outside of the LA area are accepted, but the writer is responsible for transportation and accommodations (if selected).
  • Please limit your submissions to one every six months
If selected for the Max K. Lerner Fellowship, playwrights will be offered a rehearsal and presentation slot during the LAB season and a $1000 honorarium. The Inkwell Theater Development LAB will provide a professional team of artists (director, actors, dramaturge, etc) and production support, as well as rehearsal and production space. For more information, you can contact us at lab@inkwelltheater.com

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