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Saturday, September 28, 2024



Deadline: September 30, 2024

FRESH WORDS-AN INTERNATIONAL LITERARY MAGAZINE is open for submissions for its Special One Minute Plays/Monologues Anthology titled 'TO BE OR NOT TO BE' (Volume 1) . Please send all submissions to dramaanthologyfreshwords@gmail.com as per the following guidelines:

1. The work should be a 1 minute play/monologue that deals with on of the following:
  • Doubt and uncertainty
  • Life and death
  • Madness
  • Existentialism and the meaning of life and death
  • The pain and suffering of life
  • The fear of the unknown in death
  • The balance between life and death
  • The consideration of how one deals with life and death.

2. We shall not accept works promoting or glorifying- violence, sexual abuse, racism , hatred or any political ideology.

3. Maximum 5 submissions per playwright.

4. The length of the plays/monologue/soliloquy should be decided by the playwright, keeping in mind that the performance time should not exceed 1 minute. (NOTE: if selected the performance rights and intellectual property rights of work will exclusively remain with the playwright, we shall request for one time publication rights in the anthology. The copyright of the work will revert back to the playwright immediately after publication of the anthology.)

5. Also please send a short note on the inspiration behind your work.

6. All submissions to be sent to dramaanthologyfreshwords@gmail.com

7. Submission deadline: September 30th, 2024. (The selected playwrights will be informed on or before October 10th, 2024 through email.).

8. Mention YOUR NAME followed by 'SUBMISSION FOR TO BE OR NOT TO BE ANTHOLOGY (Volume 1)' in the subject line of your email.

General Guidelines:

1. All submissions must contain a cover letter and a short literary profile (about 70 words) of playwright in third person narrative.

2. All submissions must be sent typed in MS Word or PDF doc as attachment with the email.

3. The author should mention:

Legal Name:

Pen name (if any):

Snail mail address:

4. Playwright must send a high resolution photo (JPEG format) of self as a separate attachment with the submission.

5. Simultaneous submissions are welcome but please immediately inform us in case they are accepted elsewhere.

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/freshwordsmagazine/home?authuser=0

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fresh-Words-An-International-Literary-Magazine-106332345070389/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQmmN1p8jcbIa6rUxzCzL2Q

Support us: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freshwordsmag


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