Deadline: May 31, 2022
Vancouver Canada
The Roedde House Preservation Society is pleased to announce the launch of our Roedde House Museum Playwriting Contest 2022. Submissions are now open for the best original interactive play using the historic Roedde house building as the stage! Using the word “Haunted” as a theme, we encourage writers to create an interactive play that leads the audience through our heritage Queen Anne Revival style Victorian home on a journey of your own creation.
Judging Criteria:Space (How well does the play fit into the house?)
The Roedde House Preservation Society is pleased to announce the launch of our Roedde House Museum Playwriting Contest 2022. Submissions are now open for the best original interactive play using the historic Roedde house building as the stage! Using the word “Haunted” as a theme, we encourage writers to create an interactive play that leads the audience through our heritage Queen Anne Revival style Victorian home on a journey of your own creation.
The contest is open from March 1 2022 to May 31, 2022 with the winning submission being announced late June / early July 2022 via our website and social media.
The Winner will receive an honorarium of $400 (sponsored by Ghostly Vancouver Tours as well as the opportunity for the play to be produced and run at Roedde House Museum during the Fall of 2022.
** This contest for the winning play is not a guarantee of production – this will depend on venue availability and/or audience demand and will be discussed with the winning contestant. Should the play be put into production the writer will receive royalties from the performances. **
Submission Requirements:
The Winner will receive an honorarium of $400 (sponsored by Ghostly Vancouver Tours as well as the opportunity for the play to be produced and run at Roedde House Museum during the Fall of 2022.
** This contest for the winning play is not a guarantee of production – this will depend on venue availability and/or audience demand and will be discussed with the winning contestant. Should the play be put into production the writer will receive royalties from the performances. **
Submission Requirements:
- Play must be within a maximum run time of 60 minutes and up to 4 actors in the script
- Can be an adaptation of an existing work (rights must be held by author) or an original work
Judging Criteria:Space (How well does the play fit into the house?)
- Quality of Drama
- Does it honour the history of Roedde House and Vancouver? Does it have an educational component (*bonus)
- Budget Conscious