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Sunday, January 26, 2014


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NOTE: there is no submission fee, although there is a suggested $1 donation.

The Newburgh Free Academy Drama Department will be accepting 10-minute play submissions for their 4th annual New Play festival. The Newburgh Free Academy is an at-risk high school located in Hudson Valley,NY. The students will be in charge of reading,acting,designing, directing, and producing chosen work.

Guidlines are as follows:

*Only Ten Minutes (or less).
*Playwright may submit up to two plays only. Send multiple copies of your work, as it is difficult for us to photocopy. Provide a cover letter. Include contact information and a title page with character descriptions and any specific production needs.
* No more than 2 characters; Three characters maximum. (Special interest in plays for females.)
*Must be unpublished, but may have had professional productions/workshops/readings.
*Plays can be about any topic. If material is edgy, playwright may be asked to edit their work. We will never change a word without their consent.

Send to:
Newburgh Free Academy,
201 Fullerton Ave,
Newburgh, NY 12550
(attention Terry Sandler, Drama)

*Scripts will not be returned. Unless you wish for them to be destroyed, we keep them on file for future usage.
*Deadline: February 1, 2014. Selected plays will be notified early March.
*A suggested donation of $1.00 per play.
Checks made out to: Newburgh Enlarged City Schools.
The money will be used for the drama club account to buy props and other supplies for the festival.

Contact Terry Sandler @ terrysandler@hotmail.com or find us on Facebook at NFA Drama Company for more details. Thank you and we look forward to receiving your work.

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